When you least expect it, new doors open and opportunities arise.
Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed by the hurdles and seemingly endless amounts of discipline you are applying to your new venture. You may begin to lose sight of what it is you are doing and why you are doing it in the first place. When you have done all you can do to become who and what you want to become, and you feel it is too difficult to keep going. When it feels like no one believes in you, and your in this all alone. When you feel like there is too much left to do. Stand fast!! Push forward towards what you have envisioned. It is in these defining moments that worlds of opportunities begin to unfold and unravel right in front of you. Others that are like you are naturally going to be attracted to you. If you like cars, you would go to car shows with people that also like cars. You wouldn't go with someone that prefers a Motorcycle over a car right? Same rules apply here. Not everyone is going to understand what you're passionate about, nor would they care to talk deeply with you on the matter. But when you are striving towards success, you will find yourself in the company of others just like you. This brings into play, NETWORKING. This is one of my greatest assets, and should be yours as well if you are serious about your venture.
In your network you will find constant opportunities from others wanting to help you in some way, and you wanting to help others in some way. We must pay close attention to the omens along the way as did the Alchemist. Hold fast! Stay attuned with your vision and go over the walls, not around them.