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Monday, June 28, 2010

Fear of Failure

The biggest reason why any one person cannot and will not succeed, is because they fear that they will fail. In that fear, it is easier for them to not even try. But I can tell you from personal experience that failure happens, but when it does, you learn from it, and the next time you try, you will do it more intelligently. This is trial and error, and anyone that is successful, knows that this is part of the process. Richard Branson said, " The Brave may not live forever, but the Cautious do not live at all." Step out in faith and understand that failure is part of the equation to success. I would rather fail trying for the rest of my life, than living with the fact that I never even tried. Take charge of your life now, and choose to live it to your fullest potential. I am, and I love it.

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